C: It's an intimate experience and the chemo team see you, they really see you, whether you want them to or not. They see the best you that you can be for that moment. It may include tears from your inner child, laughter from the adult trying to make this ok, to the bits of you that just wants to shut down to get through. And somehow they know exactly how to handle it all...
There is no way to capture the impact this amazing team at Sussex Cancer Centre (Brighton) has had through this. For us both. To be able to hold a person so safely and yet with the perfect balance of utter kindness, humour and constant professionalism is a true gift. A gift to the receivers, receiving something they'd rather not. To find a 'thank you' in an unwanted moment is hard to put words to... other than thank you. Deeply, thank you.
N: Watching my partner go through chemo has been a moment in my life when I've needed every bit of warmth and kindness I could find. The warmth and kindness I've received from family and friends has been amazing. But perhaps not unexpected. I know they love me. However, walking onto the chemotherapy ward as a '+ one' wasn't a space I expected to find care for me. Care for what I was going through. But I found it there too. It would have been enough for me, if you had just made C feel safe and cared for. But you made us both feel safe. You made both of us laugh. You made both of us feel like we were doing okay. That everything we were feeling was valid... all of this made something very hard that essential bit easier. Thank you for being so human at exactly the moment we needed it.